What is the first impression of your business when you are unable to answer the telephone personally?

How many potential customers are you losing to Voicemail? It’s no secret that people will search for a business and continue calling until they reach a live person. In a world where people want immediate gratification, your callers must be able to reach a LIVE person no matter when they call. Always On Call prides itself on being an extension of your business with personalized service to complement you and your staff. Our highly qualified, award-winning tele-receptionists can handle your calls LIVE as you direct, just as a receptionist sitting in your office for a fraction of the cost it would be to hire an employee. Our services are customized to the unique needs of your business, which may be utilized on demand, after hours, 24/7, or to complement your office and management staff. As a licensed funeral director, the late Gerald R. Brosseau, co-founder, instilled the importance of professionalism, accuracy, and caring communications in every call we handle.

Your reputation is your greatest asset, and we recognize that fact!

We do more than just answer telephones. Our team is trained to appreciate and understand the importance of first impressions. Every call we answer for our clients is not only a representation of our service and reputation, but your reputation as well. With Always On Call, we do not outsource our business and you can be assured that all of our employees are based in the United States. In fact, in addition to training our staff on the details of your business to exceed your expectations for personalized service, every member of our staff is audited and evaluated by our Quality Assurance Team to ensure consistency and professionalism. “You will never find another answering service who will care more about your business than we will.” Gerald R. Brosseau, LFD, Co-Founder

Affordable Peace of Mind

If you are working in your business, you aren’t working on your business. When you entrust Always On Call to handle your calls, you can be assured that we are doing our best to complement you and your team. This means you are free to call-forward your calls to us as little or as much as you desire. Our services are billed simply based on how much time we are actually working for you. Like a bookkeeper, attorney, or any other professional service, you only pay when one of our staff is working for you; however, right to the second. We do not round time to the nearest 6 seconds or 30 seconds, nor do we charge per telephone call, email/fax, or text transaction or charge additional for offering such services. In fact, our standard telephone answering service TERMS OF SERVICE are transparent.

Integrity & Appreciation

Always On Call is not “just an answering service,” but a customer service extension of your office. When we are representing you, our team is trained not to identify as “the answering service” unless asked or you request us to do so. We will never give out the name of our company, our location, or any other identifying information other than the first name of the individual the caller is speaking with. While some answering services even solicit for business when handling calls for their customers, we have never and will never engage in this unethical practice. However, should you refer a fellow business to Always On Call and they sign up for service, simply ask your account manager for $100 Account Statement Credit as our way of saying “Thank you!”
Bottom line, it’s imperative you can trust the telephone answering service providing the first impressions to your customers and community.

24 Hour Live Telephone Answering Service

Call Overflow & Office Hours Support

Call Escalation / Dispatching

Virtual Receptionist

Voicemail / Phone Tree

Alert Notifications / Email Monitoring

Hotlines / Job Applicant Screening